Kor-Eng, Chi-Eng, Jap-Eng

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rain - Meets Truth (short movie)

Rain Meets Truth is a short movie for BMW

few weeks ago we ulpoad the song from this short movie, i think BMW sold a lot of this cars oppa looks so good behind the wheel

enjoy it

DOWLOAD HERE: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=4d2eaca4eef1c889e2fff414f99d6f92aefdf96012e40840c896db5bc6a1ec1f267d812eb9354fe296d2a1e827fb7058


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for all your hard work translating--and also for being kind enough to upload this. It's greatly appreciated, keep up the awesome work! ^^v

Principe said...

Thank you so much for subbing and sharing!!!!!`^w^´